The game company HAEGIN, led by CEO Young-il Lee, has introduced an all-new “Club” system in its mobile casual social networking game Play Together. This feature was brought about to bring players with similar gameplay styles together for communication and collaboration through exclusive activities. For example, there’s a members-only chat and players can gift each other collectible in-game cards for special rewards.
Each Club can host up to 60 members. Players can either create their own Club or join an existing one that aligns with their preferences, such as age or shared interests. Club Presidents are responsible for managing their groups, which includes selecting a representative image, writing an introductory description, and setting tags to define the Club’s theme and activities. They can also invite other players to join.
In addition to the Club system, Play Together has introduced new Survival Game missions and events, encouraging players to explore diverse in-game content. Activities such as Game Party, Zombie Virus, and the Tower of Infinity now offer rewards like Gems, Stars, Card Packs, and Bingo Coins upon completion.
Alongside the new system is the “Survival B.I.N.G.O” event that adds an extra layer of excitement. Players can use the Bingo Coins they earn to win items such as exclusive costumes and the Premium Card Vault, further enhancing their gaming experience.
With these updates, HAEGIN aims to foster a more interactive and engaging community within Play Together, providing players with opportunities to connect, compete, and collaborate while enjoying fresh content and exciting rewards. Be sure to be on the lookout for more from Hardcore iOS!