Experience an unknown world in the new upcoming Action Anime game Outerplane. Developed by Smilegate Megaport, this turn-based RPG has been announced to release at the end of May 2023. Outerplane had a successful closed beta in January 2023 on both IOS and Android, leaving fans wanting more.
Outerplane bolsters stunning 3D graphics that rival the biggest mobile anime games. Smilegate promises the game will be fully rendered in 3D and have “dazzling cutscenes.” In addition, the game contains over 50 unique characters you can collect and add to your party. Each character will also have unique combat skills with their animations.
Outerplane focuses on balancing an epic story with dynamic gameplay. The protagonist finds himself in a new fantasy world and decides to adventure with his new companions. Other than that, we do not know anything else about the story. This is a nice change since it is not based on any other media piece, allowing for an original story.
The turn-based battle system for Outerplane has been the main focus of its advertisement. The game will also have an Energy system. The player will have a maximum energy capacity of 60 and will have to use that before entering a battle. Once the energy is used up, the player must wait a set amount of time for it to recharge. Each character will have three basic attacks, and the player can choose how they are chained together for powerful Chain-Skills.
Stay tuned with HardcoreIOS for more updates when Outerplane releases in late May 2023.