iOS Indie
Hardciore iOS’s indie game reviews cover a variety of iOS indie games. We review iOS indie RPGs, Action games and indie strategy games. Hardciore iOS indie reviews also assess a variety of indie cross-genres and subgenres. Our writers gauge a mobile indie game’s value from the perspective of the average core gamer. These are generally people who love action games, RPGs and strategy games. We understand this because our writers are hardcore gamers. Always, the question of how the average core gamer would enjoy a game is the thematic focus of our iOS reviews.
We strive to evaluate the best and most critically acclaimed paid iOS games. Our writers generally cover the genres that are most popular in the hardcore gaming sphere. In other words, the types of video games found on PCs and consoles.
Hardciore iOS especially lauds the efforts of independent game developers. We celebrate particularly those who develop games for Mobile and iOS. Our online magazine is focused on applauding the efforts indie game devlopment houses.
We are looking to shine a light on mobile indie games. Our writers focus more particularly on indie game’s that contain the depth, richness and narrative complexity of core video games.
Ultimately, this is an online space where mobile gamers can explore the games in the iOS indie canon and learn about the latest and hottest iOS indies. A space where readers can find the iOS games they are looking for and avoid those that do not deserve their attention.