One Punch Man: World Playable Demo Comes to Gamescom
![A man in a yellow jumpsuit with red gloves and a white cape throws a punch down a street on fire. The title One Punch Man: World sits on the top right of the screen.](
Hardcore iOS previews iOS games. Our writers write previews of core mobile titles. We cover iOS RPGs, iOS strategy games and iOS action games. We assess an iOS game’s value from the perspective of the average hardcore gamer’s experience.
Specifically, people who love RPGs, FPSs, and adventure and strategy games of various types. So the question of how the average hardcore gamer would assess a game is always in the forefront of our mobile game Previews.
We evaluate the most popular and critically acclaimed premium mobile games. Hardcore iOS generally sticks to the genres that most popular in the core gaming sphere. In other words the types of video games found on PCs and consoles.
Hardcore iOS focuses on core iOS games. We look to celebrate mobile games, more particularly iOS games that contain the richness, depth and narrative scope of hardcore video games.
Thus we cover, review and preview paid mobile games over free mobile games, and are more likely to review and preview premium games over freemium play games. As we are more likely to evaluate games that are multi-faceted and comprehensively designed.
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