Lilith Games has announced a crossover event between AFK Arena and the anime series That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, also known as TenSura. Starting June 5, 2024, characters Rimuru Tempest and Shuna will journey to Esperia in a new themed Voyage of Wonder, “Stone Freed, Water Flows.”
AFK Arena’s collaboration aims to engage fans of both the game and the anime, with Rimuru and Shuna available as free trials for players. Rimuru, an intellectual mage, can empower allies and regenerate health, while Shuna provides strategic support and shields allies in battle. As in the anime, Rimuru can give allies a power boost with his “Equal Naming” ability while his ever-faithful guardian, Shuna, can cancel enemies magical attacks with her “Magic Overwrite” ability.
The game faithfully recreates the anime duo’s abilities, artwork, and features original Japanese voice acting. Players can expect generous rewards during the event, including 180 Free Summons and opportunities to use Rimuru and Shuna to overcome particularly challenging levels.
AFK Arena is free to download on mobile through the App Store and Google Play, as well as Windows PC via Google Play Games (beta). The crossover event will be available on all these platforms, so no matter where you play, you can join in the fun. Be on the lookout for a review from Hardcore iOS!